Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Coach K's shoe choice on his thousandth win

Coach K surprisingly wore sneakers on his thousandth win. Some people were shocked but some think it's usual for him. Do you think coach K was able to work those sneakers or do you think it's a bad choice of foot wear for the game?


  1. I wish I could wear sneakers no matter what the occasion. Coach K is the best, and it's great that he wears them for Coaches vs. Cancer awareness.

  2. He can wear whatever he'd like, but, fashion - wise, it was a miss

  3. I say why not? It's not about the shoes, it's about the accomplishment!

  4. Fashion-wise, white sneaks and suit look awkward BUT he's supporting those battling cancer. Coach's social cause trumps fashion any day in my book

  5. http://coaches.acsevents.org/site/PageServer/?pagename=CVC_FY12_Suits_Sneakers mentions the Coaches vs. Cancer cause.

    Definitely not fashionable.
