Tuesday, May 24, 2016

new blog!

i have created a new blog! its called stellastyledaily.blogspot.com plz check out!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

stolen oscar dress

Lupita Nyongo had her dress stolen in her hotel room. The value of the dress was $150,000, but when the thief went to the pawn shop he realized that the 6,000 pearls on the dress were fake.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Coach K's shoe choice on his thousandth win

Coach K surprisingly wore sneakers on his thousandth win. Some people were shocked but some think it's usual for him. Do you think coach K was able to work those sneakers or do you think it's a bad choice of foot wear for the game?

Sunday, December 14, 2014

most popular fashion stores


                        -Louis Vuitton

                        -Brooks Brothers



                        If you have other store suggestions write in comments and it will    

                         show up in the next list!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

wedding fashions

bride-A bride's dress should be floor length and it should be white with a silky shine to the fabric with a bit of sparkle.

bridesmaid-A bridesmaid dress should be a bit below the knee. It should be light pink,light blue,yellow or maybe white and there could be a sash around the waist or a cute bow.

flower girl-A flower girl's dress should be cute. It should have a bow or a flower and it can be light pink,light blue,purple,blue or magenta or fushia pink. It can also have jewels and maybe a design on the fabric.

guest-A guest can wear any color but they should keep it formal,nothing to causal. If its cold outside then long sleeves. If warm then straps or short sleeves. And if you want to wear a skirt its good but it should not be to casual.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Saturday, July 26, 2014